Saturday, October 22, 2011

SAW POSTER (Topic of Choice for marking)

Hello once again!

Seeing as this past week was Sustainability Awareness Week (SAW), My partner Kalin and I decided it would be a great topic for our poster presentation. Due to the fact that our topic is on an event and not an article, there have been several minor changes to the format of the poster. I believe this gives you all a good example of what different posters may look like and gives insight towards communication about events in your field.

In Maria's lecture on how to create an effective poster presentation we waere able to gather a few tips such as: use an interesting but short title and use appropriate font sizes relevant to the content (i.e. author is larger than the content but not as large as the title). If you wish to check out more tips on creating an effective poster presentation you can check out her powerpoint on the class blog by clicking here. We were also able to apply some pointers from the powerpoint lecture to my poster. Keeping the text to a minimum, including photo's and noticeable titles and having contrasting colors helps keep the audience interested.
Saw poster
View more presentations from jdesaute.

As you can see we chose bright green as the background color. We have done this for two reasons, first of all, because it is bright and will initially grab someone's attention over a more plain color and secondly, I believe green is a good representative color when speaking about sustainability. Green represents new life and the environment, which one of the focuses of sustainability. Another technique we used in making the poster was using complementary, but contrasting colors for the titles. The Sustainability Awareness Week title is the actual logo for the event, from that I was able to match the colors of the event titles which were orange, brown and blue. The titles are well spaced out giving room for the eyes to rest and they vary in sizes and orientation to give it a more unique and creative look. Lastly the photos that were add were all taken by me from the event itself to give it a more personal feel and to show our involvement with the event. In order to post this poster I had to create an account on a slide share website which can be found here.

If you'd like to read more about how and why we made our poster this way, you can visit Kalin's blog and see what she has to say about it. If you have any suggestions or comments about our poster please feel free to leave a comment below. I sure do love hearing feedback from my fellow classmates.

Have a great day!

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