Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cram Time!

Hey everyone!

It's cram time - exam time! I hope the semester is ending well for all of you. It is nice we can start counting down the days until Christmas. Although, that also means we are counting down the days we have left to learn and memorize everything that we have covered this semester.

NotebookFinals can be pretty stressful. Lucky for ALES 204 we don't have a final, but we do have a final project due just around the corner. This can be equally as stressful as exams so, I have decided to make a list to help you.

Things to do before December 7th:

1. Make sure you have 5 blog posts
2. One blog post must be your Introductory Blog post
3. A second blog post must be a flickr photo of your professional Facebook profile
4. A third blog post must be the Wikipedia stub entry (not required for CSL students)
5. A fourth blog post must be a topic of your choice related to course material
6. A fifth blog post is a reflective blog post about your experience in ALES 204
7. Other additional on topic blog posts are acceptable
8. Remember to include a photo, an external link, a reference to a fellow classmates blog, be between two and four paragraphs and be on topic.
9. Cite all photos
10. Proof read all posts
11. Include your Twitter feed
12. In your final reflective blog include a link to all five comments you made on other students blogs.

Here is a link to the rubric posted on the class blog and if you need a quick link to an APA citation site here it is. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will help you out as best I can.

Good Luck to all of you!

Image from:
Gilford, Raymond. (2007). Notebook [digital photograph], Retrieved on December 6, 2011, from:


  1. Hey Jamie,

    I just thought I'd let you know that your blog is beautiful! It is aesthetically pleasing and does a great job of sharing information in an easy, accessible way. You are doing a great job of notifying other students about the events going on that are related to Sustain SU and the work you are doing with them. Although I enjoyed reading through all of your posts, this one specifically caught my attention. I definitely understand what it's like to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be completed as a student. You are helping out a lot of students in ALES 204 by condensing the requirements and providing critical information that needs to be seen. On another note, I am so thankful we got to meet and volunteer together through the CSL placement. Let's keep in touch!

    Great Work Jamie.

    Kalin Herbach

  2. Hey Jamie,

    Thank you for the update on what we need to have completed before December 7! I still need to stop procrastinating and really get on it. One thing you did forget to add to the list is to make sure you comment on 5? peoples blog.

    Have a good one!

    Kelvin Wong

  3. Hey Kelvin,

    That is right, I did forget that! Thank you so much, I will add it in right away.


  4. THIS is the single most useful blog post I have read all semester (including the class blog, unfortunately). Thank you so much. I'm glad I stumbled upon it.

    Good luck to you on your crams... er, exams.
